Harvard's free speech score hits rock bottom

Harvard's free speech score hits rock bottom

Harvard University gets lowest free speech ranking

The Factors Behind Harvard's Low Score

Harvard University, known for its prestige in academics, received a shockingly low score of 0.00 in a free speech ranking, according to a report by the New York Post. This ranking was released by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), who described Harvard's free speech situation as "abysmal." Sean Stevens from FIRE stated that this result was not entirely surprising, as Harvard has consistently ranked poorly in their assessments.

FIRE's ranking takes into account several factors. Firstly, it evaluates a school's policies supporting free speech, giving higher scores to those with stronger policies. Secondly, it considers instances where professors, students, or campus speakers faced consequences for their speech. Harvard's low score is largely attributed to nine professors and researchers who faced calls for punishment or dismissal based on their words. Seven of them were professionally disciplined.

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Harvard's score went even lower than 0.00 when FIRE factored in their actual calculations, placing it at -10.69. Stevens explained that this was due to the high number of scholar sanctions at Harvard, making it seem almost impossible for a school to fall below zero.

The shocking impact of scholar sanctions

Scholar sanctions are penalties imposed on academics for their spoken or written words. Harvard had an unusually high number of such sanctions, which dragged its score down. This is a concerning trend, as universities should be spaces where diverse opinions and free expression are encouraged.

Harvard's dismal ranking is particularly striking because over 100 of its professors had recently formed a Council on Academic Freedom to protect open inquiry on campus. The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia follows as the second-worst, with the University of South Carolina in Columbia, Georgetown University in DC, and Fordham University in the Bronx and Manhattan also ranking poorly.

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Columbia University, previously considered the worst for free speech, made a notable improvement, moving to 214th out of 248 schools in the current report. This suggests that universities can work to improve their free speech environments.

Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, took the top spot in the rankings with a score of 78.01 out of 100. Other universities rounding out the top five in free speech rankings include Auburn University, the University of New Hampshire, Oregon State University, and Florida State University.

Concerning trends among students

Beyond the rankings, FIRE's survey of 55,000 current students from 254 universities reveals worrying trends. A significant 56% of students expressed concerns about being "canceled" for their speech, and 27% indicated that they believe it is acceptable to use violence to suppress campus speech under certain circumstances. These findings underscore the importance of fostering an environment where free speech is upheld and respected on college campuses.

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